Introduction to Managing Your Money

Site: CLD Inverclyde Council
Course: Managing Your Money
Book: Introduction to Managing Your Money
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Date: Sunday, 24 November 2024, 5:49 AM


Introduction to Managing My Money

Imagine that you didn't get stressed about money.  That each month money came in and you paid all of your bills on time.  Debts were under control and you still had a little money left over for you.

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things but expect a different result.  This applies to money.  If we ignore bills or spend money on "stuff" before we buy what we need then expect everything will be ok we will be disappointed.  If we ignore money problems they don't go away.  

Money can cause us mental health problems.  Worrying about money can lead to stress, sleepless nights and a feeling of helplessness.  

Even if we are in a position where we are managing our money well there is always room for improvement.

This course is easy to follow and step by step you can find a different way to manage money and therefore you can get a different result.  Making small regular changes can have a huge impact on how you see money.  Imagine not having to worry about money ever again!

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course learners will be able to:

  • Understand how to set a budget - Using the Inverclyde web tool to input all your outgoings and income you will be able to see if you are spending more than you earn

  • Where to go for help with benefits and debt - Inverclyde Council provide impartial advice on how to maximise your benefits and how to manage your debts

  • How to get the most from their money - Learn ways to pay less for the same things.  Make more informed money decisions.

Progression through course

The course does not require to be done in a linear fashion (you can complete sections in whichever you order you wish).  All learning content and activities are set to complete when certain conditions are met.  The conditions that govern any content or learning activity are clearly stated at the beginning of each element.  

The course will automatically release a badge on completion

You can track your progress by watching the progress bar turn from blue to green for each element you complete.