Webinars are a convenient way to increase your understanding of a range of topics relevant to you from the comfort of your own home. With up-to-date information and practical tips from knowledgeable experts, you can add value to your skillset and enhance your appeal to employers.  Here are a few examples below

Facing Change, Embracing Change - create positive change in your work and life

Find out how dealing with your feelings is a useful first step to moving on and progressing. And how you can take control of your future by developing and making use of your Career Management Skills.

Introduction to redundancy support

Redundancy can be one of the most challenging and stressful things you’ll ever face. And you’ll understandably feel daunted and unsure of what to do next. Thankfully PACE can help.  PACE (Partnership Action for Continuing Employment) is the Scottish Government’s initiative for responding to redundancy situations. PACE is a partnership of organisations dedicated to providing you with information, advice and guidance if you are made redundant or are facing redundancy.

We can help you take stock, consider your career options and make the decisions that are right for you. All services are free and confidential.  This webinar will introduce you to all the organisations that can help you cope with redundancy and make a successful move into your next opportunity.

Horizon Scanning - discover job and learning options

Explore the options available to you and put a plan in place to help you achieve your goals. What is out there? What can you do? We will look at the options available to you and help you put plans into action through goal setting to achieve what you want.

Identify and communicate your skills and strengths

This session will help you work out what makes you stand out when applying for jobs.   We will discuss how you can identify your skills, strengths and achievements. You will come away feeling more confident about how to show these off to employers.  

Produce great CVs and covering letters

Learn how to make your CV and covering letter stand out when applying for a job.  This session will give you top tips and practical advice to take your job applications to the next level. 


These webinars and may more are available by clicking on the link below.  When you click on this link a new window will open for you to explore.  When you are finished close the window and come back to continue on this course.
