Job Centre Plus

Rapid Response

  • You may be able to get help with travel, childcare costs, training, tools and / or equipment
  • The decision to fund training, in every case, is based on whether it will improve your prospects of finding work 
  • Ideally short job focused training linked to current or previous job roles may be considered, however, if these job roles no longer exist, training can be considered for other sectors.
  • Training must remove a barrier to employment which prevents you quickly returning to work.
  • Must be linked to vacancies in the local labour market that require these skills.
  • If you have existing skills that will move you in to a job where there are vacancies further training is less likely to be funded.
  • Awards will only be made where there are no other funding streams available.
  • Speak to a PACE advisor or email RRS.ENQUIRIES@DWP.GOV.UK