For customers looking to achieve self-employment we will:

1) Provide 1-2-1 tailored support with a dedicated Self Employment Mentor throughout the journey

2) Look at the practicalities of starting your own business ensuring the idea is viable to ensure you can earn a living

3) Register with HMRC and gain your Unique Tax Reference (UTR)    

4) Support you to write a Business Plan

5) Discuss your finances and help to look for grants and loans

6) Help to create your business identity and branding (logo, marketing, social media, etc)

7) Aftercare Support - launching a business is exciting however its likely to throw up a few issues and our Mentors will continue to provide 121 personalised aftercare via telephone and face-to-face

8) Our self-employment specialists work in collaboration with both Business Gateway and local authorities to ensure the customer is gaining access to all the right support to both get their business up and running, and importantly, ensuring that the business is sustainable and remains profitable with potential for growth.

Watch the video below to find out more.