The other way to improve your financial position is to look at ways of increasing your income

If you are on low income or benefits check that you are getting everything you are entitled to .  Inverclyde Council provide a benefits tools and telephone support to help you claim the benefits that you are entitled to.  Included in this topic is a link to their website.

If you have a job there are also ways to increase your income

1) Can you work a few more hours each week?

2) Find a better paid job.  Is is much easier to find a new job when you are in employment.  If you feel your work is not valued enough then look outside your organisation to see what is available.

3) Ask your manager how you can progress in your current role in order to earn more.  This could be in the form of taking a bit more responsibility, learning new skills or applying to internal management development courses or jobs.

4) Take control of your own development and learn new skills.  An online course may help you gain skills that can help you apply for a better paid role in the future.